What defines a great trainer? Is it how toned and lean they are? How many followers they have on social media? Or wether or not they have an athletic apparel company sponsoring them? If you ask me, that’s a hard no. Not to say that people with all of these things aren’t great trainers but with this new age of technology and Instagram fame the real point behind the fitness industry has become lost within the “insta-famous” world. Purchasing simple summer workout programs or 6-week workout plans is not what this industry was designed for. As someone with a bachelors in Kinesiology and 17+ years in the business, I’ve witnessed and taken part in the evolution of fitness and training. While I love to see society as a whole gain more access to information on healthy living, it is a concern of mine that there is also a ton of misinformation being sold to so many people.Many of which are simply trying to make a better life for them selves and improve their health.
Fitness isn’t just about discount codes and selling products or clothes. Sure, some products can help enhance your workouts or aid in recovery but, the only fool proof way to improve ones fitness level is healthy eating and exercise. To do this you need a well educated trainer to help guid you on your journey and give you customized programs to fit your specific needs. No two people on this earth are the same, everyone is unique in their own way! One size does not fit all, so why would you spend good money on a program that is designed this way? I believe your health is worth more than a 60$ 6-8 week program that someone with very little knowledge and experience has created to sell to you on Instagram.
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