Maybe you’ve been thinking about hiring a personal trainer, but haven’t taken the step yet because you’re thinking, “It costs too much”. “I’m not an athlete”. “I don’t have the time; I have to squeeze in my workouts where I can”.

Personal training isn’t just for the rich or the professional athlete. Persistence In Training is located in Centennial or Stephanie will come to you, and she’ll design a custom program to meet your needs and budget. 

Here are the Top 3 reasons to work with a personal trainer:

1.   Ensure you’re using proper technique and getting the most out of your workouts.

It’s easy to take a class or watch instructional videos and end up doing the moves completely wrong. Not only does improper technique decrease your results, it could result in injury. If you’re going to take the time to work out, be sure you’re doing it right and get the most out of your time and effort.

2.  Motivation.

Sometimes it’s hard to stay motivated. When you’re having a bad day, or it’s snowing hard and you just don’t want to drive to the gym…Stephanie cares about you, and cares about your progress. Everyone reaches plateaus in their workouts; those times when you seem to be “stuck” and not improving. Stephanie is there to help you through this and remind you that it’s just a part of the process.

3.  Accountability.

How would you perform at work if you didn’t have deadlines and expectations that someone noticed? Many of us have trouble being accountable to just ourselves, but will work our hearts out to honor a commitment to someone else.

Getting started is just a phone call (or text) away, so don’t wait any longer!