Ummmmm, FALSE:
Carbohydrates are the primary source of fuel used by the body to provide energy especially when lifting weights. The body has three main sources of fuel that it uses for energy: carbohydrates, protein, and fat. However, protein in more of a building block. It is used to rebuild muscle after exercise along with numerous other biological processes. That being said carbohydrates and fats are left to be the bodies primary sources of energy. During lower intensity bouts of exercise the body primarily uses fat for fuel. If the intensity of the exercise increases, for example sprinting, vigorous weight lifting, then body will get most of the energy needed from stored carbohydrates in the body known as glycogen. These metabolic processes are very complex and I could sit here and explain it to you all day but in summary, your body needs all three of these macronutrients!!! Before you fall for a myth like the one above or fall for the next fad diet, consult someone that actually knows the facts about our human anatomy and biology. Please take care of your bodies!

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