Making Steady Progress

Reality check: The people in the gym that are making steady progress each week pay attention to their nutritional intake. If you put in effort at the gym, training hard, putting your body through rigorous workouts then it’s imperative to take care of your body through...

Getting Jacked

What is the reality behind getting “jacked”? In reality it starts with your genetics. Our genes are the code to our bodies, you will never look like that celebrity you look up to because you are not them. Your genetics are not the same, no two people are the same. You...

The Importance of Stretching

The importance of stretching: A huge portion of fitness related injuries are related to a lack of flexibility. The good news is that we can fix this issue even with only 5 minutes of stretching a day. The three best ways to increase your flexibility are by...

Myth Buster

Myth Buster: Losing weight reduces the AMOUNT of fat cells in the body. FASLE: The fat cells are reduced in size when a person loses weight, but the number of fat cells does not decrease.*Say whaaaaaat? Yep, but guess what, we are supposed to have fat cells, or...

One Size Fits All

I do not use my social media profile to try and sell some run of the mill online fitness program that’s “one size fits all” because fitness is NOT one size fits all. I’ve been a trainer for 18 + years and I can promise you that a 60$ word document or pdf file is not...

Nutrition Is Not A Fad Diet

Nutrition is not a fad diet. It’s not about expensive processed protein bars and shakes. Nutrition should be about eating REAL food that’s full of natural nutrients. Don’t fall for expensive diet plans that aren’t even tailored to your specific needs. Listen to your...

Reality Check

Reality Check: Health is a combination of physical, mental, and emotional wellness. When people think about physical health, they usually go straight to exercise and physical activity. But to be honest nutrition has a far greater impact on physical health. Now that’s...


News flash: It is easy to get caught up in the illusion of instagram and social media stars that produce content to make a living. But remember that Instagram is not an education platform, the vast majority of the Information is not verified at all. Be careful what...

Moment of Truth

Moment of truth: It’s easy to google “fat loss” and find thousands of links to some false promise of a magical pill, diet, or piece of exercise equipment that will help you “shred fat in 14 days” or tell you that you’ll have wash board abs in a month. They can be...